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911 Restoration of Central Los Angeles


(424) 369-0894
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911 Restauración del centro de Los Ángeles


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(424) 369-0894

About 911 Restoration Central Los Angeles

Una nueva trayectoria profesional

Sobre nosotras

911 Restoration of Central Los Angeles (LA) is locally owned and operated by Lemore Geller. Although she was born in Israel, Lemore was raised in LA and is proud to call it home. She likes to hike, go to the beach, and enjoy the best that the city has to offer. 

Lemore pasó los últimos ocho años como director de una agencia sin fines de lucro. Dos de sus antiguos compañeros de trabajo dejaron la agencia para iniciar una franquicia con 911 Restoration, líder nacional en reparación, remediación y restauración. Los tres antiguos compañeros aprovecharon la oportunidad de volver a trabajar juntos. Incluso podría llamarlo su “nuevo comienzo” personal, en honor a la promesa de 911 Restoration de un comienzo nuevo y limpio para los clientes. 

Despite being new to the restoration industry, Lemore is an involved and active business owner. She enjoys working with her team of licensed, certified, and trained technicians. The wide array of services that 911 Restoration of Central LA means that each day brings new challenges. Lemore is excited about the possibilities that her new career path will bring. 

"Hay espacio para crecer", dice Lemore. La experiencia laboral previa de Lemore en la construcción le brinda comprensión y conocimiento sobre el proceso de restauración y reconstrucción. También ayudó a su novio con su negocio de contratación de construcción. 

911 Restoration of Central LA serves residential and commercial property owners. They offer same-day service, free visual property inspection (for property owners only), free written estimates, and free insurance consultation. 

Compromiso con el mejor servicio al cliente

Working in a non-profit allowed Lemore the chance to hone her communication skills — which she is putting to good use at 911 Restoration of Central LA. When property owners call for water removal, mold remediation, or fire damage repair, Lemore listens to their concerns. When she and her team arrive within 45 minutes of a customer call, they identify the source of the problem and get to work quickly on a solution.

The service professionals at 911 Restoration of Central LA are IICRC certified and follow EPA regulations to ensure the safety of our crew and our customers. We are a one-stop solution for:

  • Agua Restauración de daños
  • Eliminación de moho
  • Limpieza de respaldo de aguas residuales
  • Restauración de daños por incendio y humo
  • Restauración de desastres
  • Restauración Comercial
  • Servicios de limpieza y soluciones de desinfección

Southern California is home to millions of property owners, both residential and commercial. It is also home to some of the worst weather related and natural disasters. In any given year, Central LA and the surrounding area might be affected by storms, floods, landslides, wildfires, and earthquakes. 

911 Restoration of Central LA is available 24/7/365. Lemore makes sure that her team has the proper training and certification to handle any property emergency. Her mission is to “carry the values of the franchise: to give the best possible customer service.” 

Restauramos su propiedad a una condición más hermosa que antes.

Es difícil para los propietarios buscar el lado positivo cuando se enfrentan a una tubería rota, crecimiento de moho, una casa inundada o restos de daños por incendio y humo. Sin embargo, eso es exactamente lo que Lemore y su equipo de profesionales capacitados aportan a sus clientes. 

911 Restoration of Central LA takes care of all the details. They bill your insurance company directly, remove all hazardous materials, and file any necessary permits. 

When water damage is extensive and property owners need to rebuild and restore, 911 Restoration of Central LA helps customers see the potential in new and improved structures. A wall treated for mold becomes a chance to try a different paint color. Even removing smoky or fire-damaged items is an opportunity to try a new look for a home or office. 

911 Restoration of Central LA gives property owners the chance to start afresh. They are a complete water removal, mold remediation, and fire damage restoration company. No detail is too small for their trained and licensed professionals. 

Lemore recomienda que los propietarios dejen las emergencias en manos de su equipo de profesionales. Los daños causados por el agua y las inundaciones requieren extractores, secadores y deshumidificadores de potencia industrial. El moho es peligroso para la salud y debe eliminarse por completo o volverá a aparecer. Los daños causados por el fuego y el humo pueden dejar las superficies ennegrecidas, aceitosas y llenas de hollín y cenizas. Y los atascos de alcantarillado transportan desechos, bacterias y parásitos dañinos. 

No matter how damaged, soaked, or stinky a property might become, 911 Restoration of Central LA arrives to repair, remove, replace, and restore your property to even better condition than it was before. It’s not magic, but the work of Lemore and her fellow restoration techs who treat each customer like a family member, and each property as if it were their home or office. 

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    Call us today with any questions or concerns! (424) 369-0894
    5801 W Pico Blvd, Suite 304, Los Angeles, CA 90019
    *Solo propietarios. Se aplican restricciones